Foraging in Prospect Park - July 29, 2001

Foraging in Prospect Park, Brooklyn. Based on a tour given by "Wildman" Steve Brill.

1: Purslane.
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2: Purslane closeup.
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3: Lady's thumb.
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4: Lady's thumb flower closeup.
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5: Wood sorrel.
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6: White snakeroot in situ.
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7: White snakeroot in Steve's hand.
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8: Wild cherry.
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9: Black cherry tree trunk.
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10: Common nightshade. Flower closeup.
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11: Garlic mustard.
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12: Garlic mustard seeds.
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13: Burdock flower closeup.
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14: Enchanter's nightshade. Sticks to clothes.
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15: Garlic mustard. 1st year.
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16: Pokeweed. Out of season.
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17: Pokeweed. Out of season.
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18: Pokeweed. Out of season.
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19: Goutweed with flowers.
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20: Garlic mustard. 1st year.
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21: Common plantain.
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22: Goutweed flower.
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23: Blackberry.
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24: Sassafras.
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25: Sassafras leaves.
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26: Sassafras.
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27: May-apple.
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28: May-apple.
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29: Common spice bush.
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30: Enchanter's nightshade. Closeup of the sticky burrs.
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31: Burdock.
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32: Burdock.
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33: Chicken mushroom. Now dried out.
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34: Poor man's pepper.
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35: Epazote.
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36: Elderberry.
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37: Elderberry. Not ripe.
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38: Elderberry.
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39: Sweet pepper bush. Not edible. Can make soap.
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40: Sweet pepper bush. Flower closeup.
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41: Sweet pepper bush. Last year's flowers.
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42: Poison ivy.
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43: Chickweed.
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44: Violets. Out of season.
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45: Wineberries.
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46: Bitter dock. Not edible.
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47: Black cherries.
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48: Black walnuts. Will fall to ground in October.
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49: Field of poor man's pepper. Been mowed.
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50: Amaranth. It's also been mowed.
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51: Oyster mushrooms. Old.
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52: Jet berry. Or jet bead. Poisonous.
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53: Hedge mustard.
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54: Lamb's quarters.
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55: Jewelweed.
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56: Jewelweed flower.
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57: Purple flowering raspberry.
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58: Purple flowering raspberry. Berry closeup.
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59: Purple flowering raspberry.
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60: Black raspberry.
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