Foraging in Prospect Park - May 27, 2000

Foraging in Prospect Park, Brooklyn on a tour given by "Wildman" Steve Brill.

1: Amaranth. Can eat leaves in Spring (seeds in Fall). Like spinach. Eat raw or cooked.
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2: Poor man's pepper
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3: Mica cap mushroom. Turns into black ink. Not poisonous, but not good to eat.
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4: Hedge mustard. Good in salads. In season from April to June.
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5: Psathyrella mushroom? Not good to eat.
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6: Chickweed. My camera can never focus correctly on this!
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7: Big field of chickweed.
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8: Chickweed flower closeup.
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9: White snakeroot. Poisonous.
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10: Garlic mustard, first year. Starts to get bitter this time of year. Root is like horseradish.
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11: Garlic mustard, second year.
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12: Wood sorrel
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13: Mugwort. Not eaten, but used as a tonic.
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14: Fairy ring mushrooms. Must be cooked. Caps only. Stems too tough.
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15: Gout weed.
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16: Gout weed with flowers.
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17: Gout weed in flower. A field of them.
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18: Wild rose, or multi-flora rose. Leaves are edible. In fall rose hips, but have many seeds.
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19: Wild rose flower closeup.
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20: June berry. Very delicious berries in June.
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21: Spring agrocybe, or hard agrocybe. Not good to eat.
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22: Red bud bush.
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23: Red bud bush, with edible pods. Can eat raw. Cook like snow peas. Flowers also good in April.
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24: Common blue violet. Tastes like lettuce.
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25: Common spice bush. Has alternating leaves. Leaves only good for tea. Berries in Fall are like allspice.
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26: Poison ivy.
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27: Greater celandine. Don't eat. Juice used on warts.
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28: Greater celandine flower closeup.
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29: Plum tree. Plums are in June.
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30: Baby painted turtle.
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31: Curly dock. Seeds edible. Leaves still edible, though now a little sour.
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32: Garlic mustard. Stems now too tough, but bulbs good. Like garlic.
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33: Hawthorne tree. Berries in Fall.
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34: Hawthorne tree closeup.
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35: Mulberry tree. Berries in mid-June to July.
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36: Mulberry tree branch closeup.
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37: Mulberry tree berry closeup.
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38: Buttercup. Poisonous. Possibly Ranunculus bulbosus, commonly known as St Anthony's turnip or bulbous buttercup.
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39: Gingko. Nuts in Fall.
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40: Steve holding pokeweed. Hard to cook. Root is poisonous.
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41: Pokeweed in situ.
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42: Grape leaves. Can roll food up in them.
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43: Quince. Fruit is ripe in Fall. Sour.
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44: Quince flowers.
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45: Quince flower closeup.
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46: Common nightshade. Poisonous.
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47: Lamb's quarters. Good from May to November.
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48: Hedge mustard. Very young.
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49: Gall. Insects laid eggs in leaves with food supply. Baby insects are inside.
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50: Burdock. Now can peel stems and boil for one minute. Very short season for stems.
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