Foraging in Prospect Park - Nov 28, 1999

A "Wildman" Steve Brill foraging tour of Prospect Park, Brooklyn.

1: Hedge Mustard
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2: Hedge Mustard
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3: Hedge Mustard
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4: Lambs-Quarters
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5: Lambs-Quarters. Here's some that's six feet tall!
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6: White Snakeroot - poisonous. Wildman holding some and telling the story of the cows eating it and poisoning people drinking the milk.
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7: Field Garlic (Wild Onions)
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8: Artist's conk mushroom (Ganoderma applanatum) - medicinal, not edible.
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9: Gout Weed
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10: Gout Weed
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11: Oyster Mushroom
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12: Oyster Mushroom. Lots of them!
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13: Oyster Mushroom - Wildman holding some.
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14: Oyster Mushroom. More of them.
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15: Oyster Mushroom. These were found by a couple not on the tour.
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16: Turkey Tail Mushroom
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17: Common Blackberry - out of season.
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18: Pokeberry - poisonous. Steve giving a story.
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19: Crepidotus Mushroom - not good to eat.
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20: Crepidotus Mushroom - not good to eat.
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21: Chicory
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22: Northern Bay Berry (wild bay leaves)
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23: Poor Man's Pepper
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24: Poor Man's Pepper
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25: Poor Man's Pepper
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26: Wild Parsnips. A nice patch.
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27: Wild Parsnips. Wildman starting to dig up the first one.
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28: Burdock. Second year.
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29: Burdock. First year.
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30: Mugwort
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31: Chickweed
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32: Curly Dock (Yellow Dock)
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33: Common Blue Violet
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34: Gingko. Leaves and a few fruits.
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35: Beefstake (Shiso)
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36: Ragweed - not edible.
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37: Ground Ivy
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38: Velvet Foot Mushroom (commercially is Enotake) - too old to eat.
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39: Wineberry (Wild Raspberry) - out of season.
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40: Bitter Dock - not as good, too bitter.
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41: Wild Lettuce
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42: Wild Lettuce
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43: Osage Orange - not edible, reputed to keep away roaches.
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