Foraging in Central Park - Nov 21, 1999

Foraging in Central Park, NYC on a tour given by "Wildman" Steve Brill.

1: Wisteria. A nice trellis full of it. Out-of-season as only the flowers are edible.
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2: Gingko. A tree with lots of fruits, but too near the street.
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3: Gingko. See the fruits?
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4: Gingko. Can't miss the fruits now!
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5: Wrinkled Rose. Likes to grow near the seashore.
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6: Wrinkled Rose
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7: Wrinkled Rose
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8: Pasteur Rose. A bit smaller, but still edible.
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9: Pasteur Rose. Closer up.
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10: Epazote. It's all over the park.
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11: Epazote. Another place in the park.
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12: White Snakeroot. Deadly!!
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13: Central Park Lake
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14: Central Park Lake
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15: Greater Celandine
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16: Greater Celandine
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17: Arrowroot. Wildman once dug some out, but there was very little there. He buys it in the store.
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18: Cattails. Now out of season.
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19: Black Walnut. Nuts now all gone.
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20: Witch Hazel
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21: Witch Hazel. Close up of the flowers.
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22: Witch Hazel. We found one that still had some leaves!
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23: Witch Hazel. Another shot with leaves.
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24: Common Mallow. A close up of the flower.
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25: Jet Berry. Very poisonous!!
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26: Rock outcropping in Rambles. Note north-south scratches left by receding glacier rocks.
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27: Hackberries. Too old to eat.
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28: Hackberries. Gray bark.
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29: Garlic Mustard. Can eat root and small leaves.
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30: Garlic Mustard
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31: Gray Squirrel. We had a few visit us while we ate lunch. This one turned away as I was taking its picture.
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32: Gray Squirrel. Now it posed nicely.
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33: Gray Squirrel. Enhanced version.
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34: Gray Squirrel. It was moving when I took the shot.
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35: Field Garlic (Wild Onion). This fellow dug this up while we had lunch.
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36: Broad Leaf Dock?
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37: Burdock. Wildman is digging up the first one.
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38: Burdock. This is the one Wildman dug up.
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39: Burdock
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40: Burdock
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41: Burdock. The fellow that dug up the onions dug this one up.
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42: Asiatic Day Flower. The camera had its own idea on focusing.
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43: Lady's Thumb
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44: Lady's Thumb
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45: Japanese Knotweed
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46: Lambs-quarters. Note top of stem is missing.
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47: Lambs-quarters. Here's Wildman eating the missing top!
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48: Mugwort
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49: Milkweed. Winter form.
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50: Milkweed. Winter form.
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51: Milkweed. Winter form.
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52: Milkweed. An opened pod.
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53: Kentucky Coffee Tree. See the beans up there?
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54: Kentucky Coffee Beans
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55: Wildman is about to eat an American Persimmon.
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56: American Persimmon
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57: American Persimmon. Close up.
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58: Fire Thorn (Pyracantha). Berries are edible.
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59: Fire Thorn (Pyracantha).
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60: Common Blue Violet. Note flower and different bud (which has the seeds).
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61: Common Blue Violet
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62: Common Blue Violet. I broke open a bud to show the seeds.
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63: Common Blue Violet
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64: Field Garlic (Wild Onion). A nice big patch.
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65: Sassafras. Leaves are gone, but note the upward branching.
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66: Sassafras. Wildman tries to eat some.
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67: Chickweed
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68: Chickweed
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69: Chickweed. Elsewhere in the park.
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70: Wood Sorrel
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71: Bush Honeysuckle. Berries in May.
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72: Horse Nettle. Poisonous!!
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73: Quick Weed (Gallinsoya). Can be cooked, but unpalatable.
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74: Crab apples.
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75: Crab apples.
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76: Crab apples.
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77: Nasturtium. Wildman had never eaten this before. It isn't a wild plant! Kind of peppery.
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78: Nasturtium Flower.
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79: European Cut Leaf Blackberry. Come back in mid-August.
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80: European Cut Leaf Blackberry. A nice big patch.
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81: Amaranth
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82: Amaranth
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83: Amaranth
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84: Amaranth
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85: Dandelion
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86: Enoki (Winter mushroom or Velvet foot). Now too old to eat.
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87: June Berry. Winter Form.
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88: June Berry. Close up of bud.
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