Foraging in Cunningham Park - Nov 14, 1999
Pictures from a foraging tour in Cunningham Park (Queens, New York) given by "Wildman" Steve Brill.
1: Common Evening Primrose
2: Common Evening Primrose
3: Common Evening Primrose. Note white vein down the middle of the leaf.
4: Common Evening Primrose - Flower
5: Common Evening Primrose. Some seeds in Wildman's hand.
6: Common Evening Primrose. Note four-parted stigma forming an X. I don't know why it wasn't centered better.
7: Common Evening Primrose - dried flowers.
8: Common Evening Primrose - dried flowers.
9: Wild Carrot
10: Wild Carrot
11: Wild Carrot
12: Lamb's-Quarters
13: Lamb's-Quarters
14: Lamb's-Quarters
15: Red Clover
16: Red Clover
17: Red Clover
18: Sheep Sorrel
19: Sheep Sorrel
20: Sheep Sorrel
21: Hawthorne Berries
22: Poison Ivy - patch. Wildman always points this one out and warns the tour participants.
23: Blackberry.
24: Aniseroot (Sweet Cicely)
25: Aniseroot (Sweet Cicely)
26: Aniseroot (Sweet Cicely)
27: Aniseroot (Sweet Cicely). This and the next were from later in the tour.
28: Aniseroot (Sweet Cicely)
29: Sassafras. Well, the leaves had all fallen, and the camera would never have focused on the twigs of the little ones, so I took pictures of some trunks. This one the flash came on.
30: Sassafras. Then I tried one with the flash turned off.
31: Sassafras. A bigger trunk with the flash on. The camera has a tendency to overexpose flash pictures.
32: Sassafras. So I took one with the flash off. But with the longer exposure time, and hand holding the camera, it is a bit blurred.
33: Wild Asparagus. Wrong time of the year to eat it, but here's a picture of it anyway.
34: Crab Apple Tree
35: Crab Apple Tree
36: Crab Apple. Wildman cut one open to show that all apples have the seeds in a star.
37: Poor Man's Pepper
38: Rose Hips. With people grabbing the tree it was hard to take a picture of a moving bunch of berries.
39: Wild Bay Leaf
40: Blewit Mushroom
41: Blewit Mushroom
42: Wild Parsnips
43: Wild Parsnips. A nice fat tap root.
44: Wild Parsnips. The fellow that dug this one spent quite a while to get such a long root.
45: Garlic Mustard
46: Garlic Mustard
47: Garlic Mustard
48: Garlic Mustard. Well, the seeds were almost all gone, but I found a few. There were some in this picture, but they didn't come out. On pictures like this the camera has difficulty focusing.
49: Northern Wild Raisins
50: Northern Wild Raisins
51: Northern Wild Raisin Bush
52: Reishi Mushroom. Too old to eat.
53: Witch Hazel
54: Witch Hazel
55: Wild Apples. Real apples and not crab apples. That's Wildman there with his arm outstretched, pointing out more of the trees.
56: Wild Apples. To get them down some of the guys climbed the trees and shook them down. One got much higher up than this picture shows.
57: Wild Apple - Closeup. Isn't it pretty?
58: Field Garlic (Wild Onions). We didn't have time to go over this one. We spent a lot of time collecting apples. But I took a quick shot of a bunch.
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