Mayapple [Podophyllum peltatum]

6: A patch of may apples. (Central Park, May 8, 2005)
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7: A may apple fruit hangs under the leaves. Can only eat the fruit when it is yellow. (Central Park, May 8, 2005)
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8: A may apple flower closeup. (Central Park, May 8, 2005)
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10: Mayapple patch. (Prospect Park, May 22, 2011)
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11: An immature may apple. (Prospect Park, May 22, 2011)
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9: May apple (Central Park, May 30, 2005)
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1: May apple. Green on plant is poisonous. When fallen and yellow is delicious. (Central Park, Jul 29, 2000)
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2: May apple. Wildman about to eat a ripe one. (Central Park, Jul 29, 2000)
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3: May apple leaves (Central Park, Jul 29, 2000)
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4: May-apple. (Prospect Park, Jul 29, 2001)
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5: May-apple. (Prospect Park, Jul 29, 2001)
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